Where do you buy your presets?

Note: Photo tips are answers to questions asked on our Facebook page. If you would like to submit a question, please click here to submit your question. We will then post them on our Facebook page and let our fans respond to the question.  We will then transfer the question over to our blog so we can keep them in an organized way for others to see.

Question from Melyssa: ” Where do photographers buy their presets (lightroom) and/or brushes and actions (photoshop) for newborns. With examples of before and after.”

Sarah: Everyday Elements

Jessica:  I love the once upon a dream collection by oh so posh photography. Any action she has is amazing.

Stephanie: There are sooooo many! Rock My Edits, Mike Whittman, Pretty Presets, Pure Actions for photographers, Florabella, Morgan Burke, Leah Cook the list goes on

Bp4U:  I think we all know my answer to this: Wish Photography actions.   lol   & obsessed

Heather: Pretty Presets for Lightroom

Jacqueline:  also totally rad(before and after) plus Paint the moon(no before and after)

Jessica:  Oh and paint the moon has a lot of actions I use for newborns even though she doesn’t classify them as for newborn actions. Annie has amazing customer service!

Libby: MCP Actions has a great newborns set!

Gabby:  Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions and Photography Tools

Johnny: Coffee Shop Rita

Jennie: once you get the actions, how do you use them

Rebecca: I really like Florabella….They will have instructions on how to load the actions…Its pretty simple..

Tralisa: love Pure Actions for Photographers

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