When do you schedule meetings with clients?

Note: Photo Tips are answers to questions that are asked from our Facebook page. If you would like to submit a question, please click here to submit your question. We will then post them on our Facebook page and let our fans respond to the question.  We will then transfer the question over to our blog so we can keep them in an organized way for others to see.

Question: For your bride & senior clients.. do you have specific dates/times you do consults throughout the week/weekend or just try to fit them in whenever?

Kaula: Just fit them in whenever works best for both of our schedules

Catrina: Currently working a FT job with with a constantly changing schedule, and doing the photography on the side, so right now whenever I can fit them in. I know that this is DEFINITELY not the best way to do things, so I’m looking forward to going FT w/ the photography to be able to have a set schedule

Cate:  My goal is to have sunup/sundown session times that they fit into and then two nights a week that are consult nights and let them schedule online within those parameters. I am waiting until business picks up a bit for that, but doing it whenever I can means I spend half nights doing photography and lose the dinner or snuggle time with my hubby and pups. I need to aim for all or nothing, so that stops.

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