What should I purchase for indoor photography?

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Question from Bekah: “Is there any advice on what to purchase for indoor photography? I am a natural light photographer who does all on location outdoor sessions, but I live in the Seattle area and rain is all too common. I’ve recently had multiple requests for indoor on location sessions, but do not have a studio and am wondering if there’s any gear that would make indoor on location sessions better without costing an arm and a leg – any thoughts? Thank you!”

Stacy:  I use Calumet Travelites, but they’re more pricey. I’ve heard Alien Bees are good and also affordable, though. If you want to stick with natural, invest in some reflectors.

Jo: A wide angle lens that opens wide up!

Timothy: ALien Bees is the way to go for great quality affordable lighting. You could also go speedlights.

Critty: I have an Alient Bee w/a softbox which works really well. but I primarily just use mulitple speedlights w/pocket wizards to trigger them. There are also several types of modifiers for speedlights and you can just use the travel stands for off camera lighting too. And the nice thing about speedlights is they are small & lightweight and don’t take up any room in tight spaces they are awesome!

Jaye: Check out the Strobist blog. Great advice on how to use light so everything looks like natural light, but you have 100% control over it. When I first started my set up was 2x Yongnuo 560s, 2x Umbrella and Light Stands, Cowboy Studio Triggers. Cost was just under $300 and I still use all of it when on location for extra light. It’s a great starter kit!

Shanyn: Alien bees! One 400 one 800 with Octoboxes. Amazing light. Super affordable.

Sheila:  reflectors can change your life

Jamey:  I just recently bought an LED video light and put it on a Cowboy Studio Lighting stand. Both cost me around $50 total and work great!

Amanda: Schedule for the brightest time of day for certain area of home, get high quality reflectors, also an external flash for diffused/bounced light. An external flash may be something you may already want in your bag, anyway (think fill light for amazing seattle summer sunset shots!) and it’s a lot more portable/easier than packing around studio lighting, considering much of your work is natural light

Nicole: Disa Duncan I think you may be interested in this post!

Disa: thank you nicole patch! Your amazing

Steve:  I,like you,prefer natural light and the best,most used piece of equipment ive ever bought was a reflector,just a simple,round one,white on one side,gold on the other,it cost me £8.99 in England and couldnt do without it!

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