What resolution are your images that you post to facebook?

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Question from Jodie: ” What resolution are your images that you post to facebook? 72? Mine almost always seem soft/blurry at 72.”

Angelajoy: I think its just a FB thing

Amber: Facebook lowers all resolution on pictures, i dont know why

Katie: I actually found a freebie FB resizing & sharpening action – the only preset of any sort that I use – that I use on the images that I post. Works like a charm. If you don’t sharpen, FB makes them way, way soft.

Jen: You can find lots of free resizing/sharpening for FB actions. I like the ones from Paint the Moon.

Katie: ^ That’s the one I use!

Madison: Any one know any suggestions for lightroom exporting?

Brittany:  I use Lightroom but then open them up in ps to use the resizing actions from paint the moon and add my watermark.

Kathrin: Facebook sucks with pics ..everyone I know says that,try one side 960px and yes 72 dpi and sharpen a little after you done resizing

Sheila:  i just change height to 800 and leave everything else

Jodie: Thanks everyone, I will try these!!

Jaye:  I use 720 @72DPI and my images look pretty good on Facebook. I use BlogStomp to create my Facebook images.

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