What is your workflow?

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Question from Lisa: “What is your workflow? I feel like I spend so much time editing and retouching.”

Teresa: I think it all comes in time.. I used to edit a lot NOW I do very little so I think it is the time you put in at the time of shoot that determines your edit time.. I decided I liked getting the shots just right at shoot time rather than editing

Katie: I’m slowly working on this and getting faster and faster… but my biggest advice is to get it right in camera so you spend as little time editing as possible. Generally I do global edits in LR first, then open in Photoshop and fix any blemishes, etc. Then I apply my own actions that I have created to save me time and then tweak those then save out a version for the web with watermark and one without. Total time per image averages about 4-10 minutes.

Amy: I shoot in raw, so most of my editing is done in Photoshop RAW- to perfect the image. Occasionally I like to do some creative editing when I open the file- but I’ve made my own actions so it goes even quicker. I like all my photos to have a similar style so they all look cohesive.

Becca: I do a clean processing in RAW and the use levels in Photoshop. I highly recommend Damien Symonds: Retouching & Photoshop Training – everything I know he taught me thought his on-line classes!

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