What have your experiences been with google ads?

Note: Photo Tips are answers to questions that are asked from our Facebook page. If you would like to submit a question please click here to submit your question. We will then post them on our facebook page and let our fans respond to the question.  We will then transfer the question over to our blog so we can keep them in an organized way for others to see.

Question – Who has tried google ads? How has that worked for you?

Ashely: Not great to be honest

Dan: I did and NO NO NO it did not work for us~

Anna:Not for us either!

Angela: Good to know. I’ve always debated using them. Thanks for posting this!

Cate: great feedback!

Andrew: You could also ask how you have worked for it? I think if you’re very precise with your keywords and targeting it can be a good supplement to anybody’s advertising. I think people tend to look for a magic bullet for advertising, but it doesn’t exist. Let’s face it, until you get a strong, dedicated referral base, you are going to have to work your ass off to get people to book you. Chug on my friends.

 Sarah: nope

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