How do you get the pictures you want without sounding demanding?

Note: Photo Tips are answers to questions that are asked from our Facebook page. If you would like to submit a question, please click here to submit your question. We will then post them on our Facebook page and let our fans respond to the question.  We will then transfer the question over to our blog so we can keep them in an organized way for others to see.

Question from Stephanie:   “I have a question about wedding dress pictures. ( I have not done a wedding yet, I have 3 lined up and also I have bought all of your guides :} ) so my question is this : the dress pictures that are of the dress on the hanger , laying her or hanging there, how do we get the dress, do we say – before you put it on let me a picture or two for you ? I mean I don’t wanna just be a demanding — please help , please and thank you , Stephanie”

Shanna-Kaye:  I ask when I arrive at the bride’s room-as she’s finishing her hair/makeup, I say “Do you mind if I use your dress for a few pictures? I’ll make it quick!” and they always let me 🙂

Liberty: Usually you would discuss all the shots to be taken with the Bride before the wedding at your consultation. Make sure you know your brides schedulle of the day so that you can plan shots around that. (=

Danie: Ask….. brides usually don’t bite.

Angel: How would you aproach to ask about taking it outside or somewhere other then bedroom type shots??

Jenni: We always ask if we can take it for a few shots while she is finishing getting dressed. If we are thinking outside, we just ask if it is ok. We take time to get to know our brides so they know they can trust that we are there to do our best work, and that means guarding that dress with our lives! Lil

Stephenie:  I agree, ask! The worst she can say is no! In the two weddings I have shot so far, the bride said yes both times. Just make sure that if you take it outside, that the groom is safely inside somewhere so he cannot accidentally see the dress 🙂

Kelli: Talk about it in advance, and tell her you like to get the details… the dress, jewelry, shoes & such all up close, so she will always remember the small details long after they are neatly boxed away.

Kari: Shooting many weddings, I will say you are going to have to learn to speak up or just ask about a lot of things. You need to be in control of your job to be sure you produce the best pictures you can! Especially during the formals. And being in control definitely does not mean pushy or bossy, but, organized, and aware of the days timeline and your surroundings. Believe me – it will be chaos and the bride will appreciate at least something running smoothly! So…. point is – yes – just ask. And like others have suggested, speak with them about your thoughts and plans before the big day. If it’s not possible to meet at the locations beforehand, get there a little early to scout things out! 🙂

Stephanie: Thank you ladies 🙂 you were all very helpful – I just see all of these dresses hanging from trees and what have you and then I seen one touching a brick building and it got me wondering about if the bride even knew her dress was put in a situation. It’s all about communicating then, got it 🙂

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