How do I get my Samsung pictures to look like Canon and Nikon ones?

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Question from Alex: “Hello. I’m Alex and I’m 14 years old and I want to be a Successful photographer. I have a Samsung camera, I was just wondering if you can give me ideas on how to do good pictures kinda like the Canon and Nikon cameras’ do.”

Jessica:  Its all about Practice!!! Click Click Click all the time. It really all about playing with your camera and seeing what does what!

Kelly: Take your camera everywhere & shoot away! Play with the different settings, have fun with it

Hal: well alex, im 15 and im the same, ive just started getting paid for doing my photos and events, so even if you have a compact camera, you can still take some good photos, if you can take good photos with a bad camera, then imagine what you can do when you get a good one   i have a sony a35 which is entry level and great for starting out, and costs about 400 pounds, which i saved for for about a year, and once you get a good camera, you can become more known and more successful if you have a natural flare for it  just keep trying, and always think of how your composing the photos you take, rule of thirds, placing of subjects etc

Tiffany: Practice, practice practice. Sometimes the very best pictures I do is with my regular Nikon coolpix camera. It is nice to have a great camera but, all in all the photographer takes great pictures not the camera! Good luck!

Steve:  I agree with Jessica,shoot everything and as often as you can,try out all the options on your camera,read magazines and join an on line group like Flickr,where you will learn soooo much

Brian: I would read as much as you can on photography, watch as much tutorials on youtube as you can.
If your camera has a manual mode, I would start there. Learn how each of the following affects your photos: iso, shutter speed, aperature.
And the best part about growing up in today’s age is that it’s all digital. You don’t have to pay for film. You just have to have the passion, will and drive you to learn it. So practice and love it!

Andrea:  I would suggest take a basic photography course to help you with composition, and the basics of how a camera works, f-stops, lighting, there are so many aspects to a camera that having a good base will help you become a “successful” photographer. Good luck Alex, at 14 you’re at a perfect age to start learning.

Alex: Thanks!!!!!!!!!!! If I have anymore questions I’ll let ya’ll know!!!!!!!!!!!

Janel: Practice, read everything you can, take workshops, follow your favorite photographers and try to get same angles & looks they do. Sandy puc has workshops all over the US that are $50-$150 for full day workshops.

Cara:  Light + composition. Learn those two things, and read your camera’s manual carefully to see what it can do.

Chris: just remember one thing. your camera is worthless if you are a bad photographer, the camera makes little difference in your images. images are not always about bokeh and color , they are mostly about emotion and composition .

that being said, a compact camera is worthless if you want to make a name for yourself. you can a camera with interchangeable lenses and where you can have full control over all the settings . then go nuts, dont even think about spending money to learn more about how to use your camera . just go out there and do it .

Denise: Alex, you have already done the best thing….You asked for other peoples ideas!

Emily: Shoot in manual all you can. It’s all about controlling light!

Dan:  Hello Alex! My advice is to experiment as much as you can, to try to tell stories important to you. Express yourself. The rest will come. There are tons of photography sites that you can use if you have questions! If you want to learn exposure, consider buying an old film camera, nikon or canon, with a 50 mm lens. You can be more that you’ve been taught! Have fun!

Reva:  practice. learn great composition, understand lighting. you can probably pick up a film slr with a lens for $50 or less! another way to learn

Brian:  I did a 365 project in which I took a photo everyday for an entire year. You will learn so much about your camera, your photography and yourself in one year. It gives you a chance to experiment and its fun.

Sondra:  365 projects are a great way to learn and there is a great community called great place for a first 365. People are very open and helpful and there is a whole discussion section donated to tips and tricks. For me personally in my learning process, first you need you basics I would say #1 is composition, if you can’t lead your viewer into your image nothing else really maters. Next would be a good understanding of your equipment and it’s limits. I learned most of this by going into manual mode. Even setting my own white balance from time to time. In manual you will have to be able to weigh the effects aperture and shutter speed and ISO have on your exposure at different settings. So this gets all your basics covered, composition,aperture,shutter speed, ISO and exposure. Once you have full control of your own exposures then the fun begins. Special effects can be added by different shooting techniques and filters. One that is a lot of fun for me is shaped bokeh. Done with a handmade filter. My best advise like I said get your basics and know your equipment and it’s limits and past that just have fun

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