Do you give clients color photos of your black and white prints?

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Question from Morgan: “I have a question!! When you present a client with a black and white photo ( because you believe this is how the image looks its best ) what do you say when they ask for it in color?”

Connie: Groan. Lol

Julie:  I do the same. lol I then tell them that I felt the image looked best this way.

BP4U: Connie- literally just lol’d

Brian: Show it to them in color and b&w. Give them a reason why you think it looks better in b&w, and then let them  I always tell them I think it’s better in b&w, but bottom line…it’s their photo and even though I like to think I’m a photographer first and a salesman second, if you want to keep in business, you’d better be a salesperson first!choose. They come to you for your skill as a photographer, your professionalism, and your expertise. But they will be the ones that will get the end result, it ultimately what pleases them to look at.

you make your clients happy, they will come back.

Connie:  I always tell them I think it’s better in b&w, but bottom line…it’s their photo and even though I like to think I’m a photographer first and a salesman second, if you want to keep in business, you’d better be a salesperson first!

Courtney:  Some sites that you can set up now, that are online, let the client see what it looks like in color and bandw in the shopping cart. Then they pick which one they like best. If I were showing them in person I would always include color with the Bandw just because I know that some people don’t see things the same as me.

Kellie: If say the color is way off and it NEEDS to be in B&W… ‘creatively’ tell them the color file is not longer available… maybe by previously telling them they get “X” number of images, so the color one was eliminated to get their best images to them…. then again they NEVER want to hear anything was erased… But I have told them that once they trusted me with editing, what they were seeing was the final images. If it was in color & B&W it would be there, if it was only in B&W that was all they get. Hard to deal with… but if u can be quick & creative to respond is easliy smoothed over

Cate: I show them both… and GROAN right along with all of you, BUT if the photo is too exposed where Color is just ugly… then I tell them that the photo was exposed for color correctly and it is B&W or trashed… and I was excited about how great it looked in B&W so we could save that moment. Be honest… nothing wrong with that in my mind, BUT I can totally see everyone else’s answers too!

Morgan: Thanks all!!

Laura: Give them what they want. They are paying!

Michelle: Always show them the images you want them to fall in love with first. If you show a B & W vs a color generally the rule of thumb is a person likes the first image you show them.

Jamie: I always present them in b&w, sepia, and color. It’s extra work and I’m probably wasting my time. LOL but they always appreciate it.

Jerri: Its all bout what the customer wants. We may have a different view but there view is the one that counts

Emily: (unless it looks terrible in color) I give it to them. It’s so easy, especially in Lightroom, that I don’t mind.

Sometimes the only reason they want it in color is because grandma wants a copy that will match the rest of the photos on her wall. I understand that!

Sweet Raine Photography: Thats a great question and these are some great answers! I love this site… its so helpful forto me (be new to the business)

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