Waves and Landscape

We are soooo excited to have Matt Aden Photography to tell us about his awesome photography! You don’t want to miss out on this post! Without further adieu, Matt!

Originally from CO, I graduated from Colorado State University in 2007 with a Bachelors degree in Construction Management. One week after graduation I was in sunny San Diego. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I am lucky to call it home. I love to surf, skate, take photos, and sit on the beach. There is something strange about the ocean that only a surfer can understand. It changes you. When I’m out in the water, nothing else matters. Not that big meeting I have in the morning or the fact that I missed a deadline. It’s complete bliss, and I LOVE it. Getting crushed in a large shore break by massive waves is pretty exhilarating too. Photography has changed my whole outlook on life. I’ve never been more passionate about anything I’ve ever done and I’m waiting for the right opportunity to drop everything and travel the world.

Where are you located? San Diego, California

Studio Name: Matt Aden Photography

What type of photographer are you? Landscape & Water photography

How did you start doing this type of photography? I literally decided one day that I wanted to start doing photography. So I got a camera and started watching videos online. I taught myself everything I know about photography. I started with a GoPro playing the waves, once I lost that gopro, I upgraded to a DSLR in a water-housing. I did water photos long before I started shooting landscapes.

What’s in your gear bag? Canon T2i

How do you take the images of the waves?  I mount my Canon with a Rokinon Wide angle lens, inside a ‘Del mar Housing’ Focus set to infinity and shoot on TV mode with a high ISO (artificial light) so that that camera compensates by firing the shutter at a very fast speed. Then I swim out into the ocean to the spot where the wave is breaking. You want to end up inside the wave when it breaks, so a good shot usually means you’re going to get smashed.

Landscapes: I always shoot in RAW, Manual mode. This give you much more control of the photo. I like to use a low ISO so my photos don’t turn out to grainy. And a slow shutter. For that reason all my photos are taken using a tripod and a remote trigger, so that I don’t get a blurry image. When I’m shooting waves from the land, I typically do the opposite, a fast shutter with higher ISO so that I can freeze the wave in mid-air. I take lots of photos and am constantly changing the settings depending the position of the sun and the amount of movement in the photo. If I take 100 photos, there are probably 100 different settings used (combination of shutters speed, ISO, aperture)

Are the images composites? Yes, I do a small portion of touching up in Lightroom. ie. contrast, exposure, shadows 

Do you do these portraits at a certain time of day? My daily schedule requires me to be at work from 7-3:30 (I’m a construction project engineer by day) so almost all of my photos are taken after work around sunset.

Who inspires you (photography related): Clark Little is a huge inspiration. I also love Peter Lik’s work and also John Fielder

Do you sell prints online or locally? I do, I have all my prints for sale on my website but rarely do I sell any off of there. I sell quite a bit through facebook, from people contacting me, and also in a few gallery.

If locally, the type of shops/venues and how did you get your foot in the door with these vendors? I send LOTS of emails. Anytime I see a gallery, I take down their information and send them an email asking for openings. Also lots of restaurants and cafe’s feature local artists. I simply send them an email and ask them to keep me in mind. Usually within a few months my work is up on display. I probably don’t hear back on 90% of my emails.

Matt Aden Photography | Facebook

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to place them in the comment field below.