Tips on Getting Consistent Shots

  • Find a few lenses you love and stick with them! Learning to adapt to situations with only a few lenses will make you a better photographer. You will really learn the nuances of your lenses, and you will be able to work quicker and more consistently.
  • Work the natural light! Find natural reflectors everywhere you go, shoot backlit when possible, BUT don’t be afraid to battle tough lighting situations head on! Shoot into the sun sometimes, play with shadows- when I challenge myself like this I nearly always love the result.
  • Never stop moving! Be a dynamic photographer. Don’t just stand in one place and shoot. Move your client constantly and move yourself around them! Don’t just pose them, have them walk, twirl, dance, laugh- whatever it takes to get the most dynamic shot you can!
I shoot on Nikon gear and I am currently loving my d750 for it’s lowlight performance! I try to hold off putting on my flash at weddings for as long as I can because I love the look of ambient light. The d750 allows me to usually, depending on the specific lighting scenario, be able to hold off on flash until dancing! It’s pretty great.
For both my wedding and fashion work I shoot on two cameras, one with a 85 1.8 and one with a Sigma 35 1.4. I chose the 85 1.8 over the 1.4 due to it’s weight (so light!) and I actually found the focus to be faster and sharper! Also, I sling both cameras around me with a holdfast money maker.
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Headshot My name is Molly Gilholm. I am a 22 year old wedding and fashion photographer based out of Santa Cruz, California.
My main source of income comes from shooting 30’ish weddings a year, all up and down the California coast. I work for modeling agencies doing tests shoots, and connect with brands and models on Instagram. Instagram has been a huge platform for me and my work in fashion, and is how I book almost every commercial job.
Find Molly on the web: WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK