To the rude guy that posted on my wall yesterday.

I’m about to lose some fans here and I DON’T CARE. I’m so disappointed with some of the people on this page. We all started out somewhere. All of us on this page have dreams. We love photography, maybe we don’t want to have a photography business but we want to learn to be a better photographer. People can’t learn if they are afraid to ask questions. Maybe they aren’t afraid of asking questions rather afraid of the answers they will receive. This is ridiculous. This is a learning environment and I’m telling you right now, you talk down to those that ask questions, you will be removed. I’m not tolerating it ANY longer. I will not tolerate bullies in person or on the internet. You can still tear people down by the things you write on facebook. Think of it this way, what if someone said the things you are saying to your wife or daughter? If you don’t think its respectful enough for another person to say those things to them, then don’t say it on my wall, on my posts, or on these questions. It’s rude. Furthermore, I’m a very open person. I believe we all are entitled to our opinion and we all can SHARE our opinion. However there’s a rude way of doing that and a graceful way of saying it. It’s fine if you’re passionate about others really being educated before starting their business; show them how to be educated. Show them where you started out, what you were doing, how you took your photography and business to the next step.

Someone put on my wall yesterday: “WOW, looks like you need some serious graphic tips! I was interested at first but if you think your art and design is ok, I really can’t expect too much from you…”

Are you joking me? Really? How would you like it if I went to your page as a potential client, and wrote on your PUBLIC Facebook wall, “WOW, You really think you’re worth that much for those photos, no way would I book you if you think you’re worth that much.”

That would be the rudest thing a person can do. I understand you might not like my graphics. That’s ok. We are all different, we all enjoy different things, you like blue, I like pink. I love how we have differences, but don’t be rude to me. Don’t put me and my hard work down. The world is full of people like you, making others feel miserable about the things they are learning and trying to work hard at. It’s unacceptable. I won’t tolerate it.

However, I will learn from it. I will work on my graphics and try to make them better. Dear rude guy, I really wish you would have came to me or wrote me a private message and said, “You know I really was interested in your products, but I’m kind of concerned because of the graphics you have here.. have you ever thought about re-designing this or that.. You might get some more sales if you change this… Just thought I would share.”

See, it’s not that his opinion changed, it’s just the way he could have said it differently. Next time you post something, think about how you are saying it. What format you’re using to say it. As a professional in this industry, if I posted a genuine question that I was looking for an answer to and someone ripped me a part for not knowing, I would feel awful. I would feel like a failure. I would start to wonder if I was cut out for this. Yes, I know the world is not sunshine and roses but just because the world isn’t that way doesn’t mean we can’t one by one encourage each other.

Just remember, everyone starts out somewhere. We are all learning together. I want this to be an environment where others uplift each other, encourage one another, share in the dream and the journey. If you’re not one of those people or don’t think you can do that, that’s ok. But please don’t tear others down in the process.