20 Days Of Blogging for Wedding Photographers When You Have Nothing To Blog

Wedding photogs! You know y’all are my favorite niche right?! I can’t help it. I will always have such a passion for wedding photographers. I loved the response I got when I posted my 20 days of blogging for portrait photographers and wanted to make one specifically for you wedding photographers! Print this off and get your blog back on schedule.

The thing to remember about blogging is – it doesn’t always have to be featuring a session or event. It can be a helpful article that your client gains value from. What do we want to do to our clients? GIVE THEM THINGS THEY NEED. Are you in a slow season and have nothing to blog about – well, now you do!

Want some already written blog posts for your clients? Head on over and get our 30 PreWritten Blog Posts for Wedding Photographers.

Grab your copy of the PDF version that you can print off below!