Earn Extra Money With These Unique Christmas Mini Session Ideas

Earn extra money for the holidays with these unique Christmas mini session ideas. Check out more of our mini sessions ideas from BP4U’s 300 OUT OF THE BOX MINI SESSION IDEAS product! Want more mini session ideas? Head on over to the store and check it out by clicking here.

Presents Under the Tree Mini Session

Some mommas love the look of their tree already done, so this is a great option for them. You would go to their house and take a picture of the child by the presents under the tree! And as long as it’s OK with the parents, you could have the child open up a special gift that they want captured on camera. This could even turn into an annual event where a photographer photographs an “opening the gift” moment, creating a tradition that child looks forward to years to come.

Christmas Lights Mini Session

You can either set up lights hanging on a background behind them to create that beautiful Christmas lights effect, or you can hold this mini session at a location where there are a ton of lights. You could try a neighborhood that’s known for their lights, a local park, Zoo Lights, or somewhere similar. Alternatively, take the pictures at the client’s home with their own lights in the background!

Decorate Christmas Cookies

You can either set this up in your studio or at the client’s home. For this session, have the child decorate Christmas cookies, providing a variety of frosting colors and sprinkle options. A kitchen setting would be super adorable, but isn’t absolutely necessary. If you’re able, reach out to a local bakery to host these minis, which would be a great collaborative effort between both of you! The bakery can promote this, and you can promote them!

Christmas Tree Farm Mini Session

Hold mini sessions at a Christmas tree farm. Try to network with a local tree farm by offering them a percentage of the booking fees. You want it to be advantageous for both parties in order for it to be as successful as possible!

Christmas Wrapping Sessions

Set this session up in your studio and have your client bring a present to wrap so you can take pictures of them wrapping the present. Provide cute wrapping paper with bows, ribbons, and labels. Alternatively, set this session up at the client’s house next to the Christmas tree. This would be a great session to do with the grandparents wrapping the parents’ gifts from the children! You really want to try to build traditions with your mini sessions, and this is a great opportunity to do that!

 Do you have any unique ideas for Christmas mini sessions? We would love to hear them. Post them in the comments below. Don’t miss 300+ more ideas in our 300 OUT OF THE BOX MINI SESSION IDEAS!