Featured Photographer: Kelly Klatt

We are excited to be featuring the amazing photographer Kelly Klatt. She specializes in newborn, children, families and high school senior pictures.  Hey, I’m Kelly…a photographer from exotic Buffalo, Minnesota.  I am happiest when I’m wearing pajama pants all day.  I like watching crime shows with my husband…and I have a mild obsession with checking facebook
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Featured Photographer: Ann Louise Photography

We are so pumped to feature this fantastic photog duo. These are the amazing photographers behind Ann Louise Photography! Tell us about you, who you are, hobbies, fav things. We are two sisters, both totally obsessed with photography and being moms.  We often say that Jessica is the kite and Jillian is the anchor.  Jessica likes
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Tuesday Inspiration Tell All | December 27th

Ok.. so you may have noticed it’s not dec 27th, I have been having some UBER issues with the wifi, so alas here’s dec 27, tuesday tell all. This photographer is extremely talented and one of my inspirations and daily stalks on facebook. I can’t wait to share! 😀 Stephanie Panagopoulos | IL How did
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