8 Tips To Prepare Your Newborn Client For Their Session

Having a newborn session can be really stressful for the newborn client, especially if this is their first baby. Here’s 8 Tips you can give them to better prepare for their session. Want to download the graphic and give it to them directly? Get it below!


  1. Either feed baby before you leave or plan to feed baby right when you arrive. That way baby has a full tummy at the time we get started.
  2. Dress baby in a zipper sleeper if you can. In summer months, dress the baby in a diaper and cover them with a blanket if they’re comfortable with that. It makes for an easier transition.
  3. Bring a pacifier. Even if they are not giving baby one, bring it. They need to have one to soothe them into different poses. Without it, the session could actually be a bust. Some babies rely heavily on it for settling – other’s don’t even need it, but it’s good to have one just in case.
  4. Bring extra diapers, I use them between poses and so they tend to go through a few during the session.
  5. Bring a change of clothes for yourself and also for your husband just in case baby wets on either of you at any point during the session. It happens a lot during the parent poses.
  6. For parent poses, I do about 2 setups less than I do with baby alone. Bring neutral clothing – nothing with patterns. It just photographs better with newborns.  I like to keep the drops neutral for parent poses.
  7. Bring snacks and water to drink. The session is 3 hours long… if baby sleeps like a rock star it may end sooner, but it’s a long session so bring something to munch on.
  8. Bring food for baby – baby will need to eat 1-2 times during the course of the session.


We pulled these tips from our Posing Newborns In Natural Light ebook. Definitely check that out if you want more tips and tricks on how to pose newborns.


Have any other tips that you tell your newborn clients? Let us know in the comments below!



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