Top 5 Photography Trends of 2019

The New Year is a perfect time to set new goals. When it comes to your photography, it’s a great opportunity to try a new technique, new equipment, or new subjects.


But how to know what techniques have the most staying power for the year 2019?


The things that worked well last year may already have become yesterday’s news.


It turns out that some of the trends from last year are still hanging on, and in fact may get even bigger. And there are also some newer trends emerging which may hang on for the long term.


Read on to find out what photography trends are here to stay in 2019.

Photography for a cause

It’s said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Nowhere does this hold more truth than in the realm of social and environmental activism.


Pictures accurately capture what words cannot. We could talk for hours about poverty, homelessness, climate change or the destruction of natural habitats. But a photo brings the reality of these issues vividly to life.


Photos that portray these realities rapidly become viral, shared on blogs and via social media.


As 2019 dawns, think about ways in which you can offer up your photography in the service of a worthy cause.



2019 brings with it a growing distrust of the media. Consumers have a sense that much of what they see or read is posed or “fake.”


In this context, we’re seeing more appreciation for photos that are candid, authentic, real.


Artificial poses and unrealistic bodies are becoming passé. Spontaneous laughter and honest facial expressions are the new normal.


There is no need to make your models look glamorous. Instead, focus on subjects that are ordinary people, doing ordinary things. If it’s a wedding shoot, drop the traditional staged posing and instead capture the wedding couple in relaxed, candid shots. These memories get at the heart of that special day to make it far more meaningful.


Remember when you opened a fashion magazine to find that all the models looked basically alike?


Those days are gone.


Why? Because art imitates life. And life includes people of all races, ethnicities, ages and sizes.


To find success as a photographer in 2019, try to capture the essence of under-represented groups, such as models of color and women over 50.


After all, very few members of your target audience fit the traditional perception of what a model is supposed to look like.


Appealing to a wider range of groups will lead to an expanded audience, as more people can relate to and identify with your photography.

Aerial photography

At one time, drones were considered cutting-edge technology. Nowadays, they are so inexpensive that almost anyone can use them.


Taking photos from the sky opens up a whole new set of possibilities to photographers. You can now capture images that we could scarcely even imagine before.


Not only that, but as aerial photography becomes increasingly mainstream, you now have access to more tools and software than ever before.


Only a few years ago, you had to plan on some fierce photo editing before you could make an aerial photograph available to the public. Now, thanks to improvements to lenses and sensors, flying cameras are definitely worthy of your investment in 2019.

Old-school analog

Like Doc Marten boots and vinyl records, it seems that everything good comes back around eventually.

It’s the same with that old-fashioned 35mm camera film.

Photographers in 2019 will be falling in love with analog film all over again.


For one thing, though less convenient, the quality of analog film is better. Photographers who require clearer resolution and higher dynamic range can achieve that more easily with old-school camera film. Another benefit: you are no longer at the mercy of electricity or a good wifi connection to produce great photography. Plus, it becomes harder for others to steal the credit for your photos: you have clear and obvious proof that they are yours.


Photography, like any kind of art, reflects the cultural changes that surround it.


As our culture shifts to embrace values of honesty and respect for our world, the best photos in 2019 will showcase these values.


But photography also exists to push us out of our comfort zone, to surprise us, to make us see our world in a new way.


It will definitely be interesting to see how this plays out in 2019.


How might you be a part of all that?


Grab your gear and go find out.