Featured Photographer: Blee Photography

It’s Featured Photographer Thursday! I am so excited to introduce this weeks photographer, Bobbi-lee of Blee Photography!

My name is Bobbi-lee, but most people call me Blee. I’m a mother to two beautiful boys, and married to my amazing husband. I’m an animal lover and live for the beach! I also LOVE babies and people call me crazy when I say I could have ten kids. It’s definitely why I love my job so much: I get to spend time with these precious new souls and capture those precious memories!

Creativity is something that came easy to me and what I am really passionate about. I enjoyed photography from a young age and was always making my younger siblings pose for me and the many disposable cameras I went through!

After high school I ventured into a world of art and design, eventually starting a career in graphic and website design. I am still very passionate for graphic design and illustration but photography came alive again in me after I had my first son and I realised I wanted to capture every. single. moment. I didn’t want to miss any of it, for as most parents know, babies grow up way too fast!


When did you first realize you wanted to be a photographer? 
I don’t think I ever realised or aspired to be one. I was always drawn to photography and art but didnt know it was for me until after my oldest son was born in 2008 and I bought my first DSLR. I was always taking photographs before then though.

When and how did you start out in photography?
After I bought my first DSLR I became obsessed with learning how to use it, lighting techniques, shooting  and learning everything I could.

How would you describe your style?
Bright colours, fun, emotive and natural. 

What’s in your gear bag?
Nikon D800, Nikon D300S, 85mm, 50mm, 35mm

One lens you can’t live without?

How did know when the right time to start charging was?
After I realised I wanted to do this for a living and not just a hobby, I built up a portfolio and then started charging.

How did you market yourself when you started out?
I had a website, business cards and flyers. Friends were my biggest referrers. It wasnt until the big Facebook boom that I didnt need to spend money on advertising and WOM just went from there.

Name the first person that comes to mind when you think of:
Newborn photographer: Erin Tole
Wedding photographer: Jason Soon
Lifestyle photographer: Barb Uil
Most inspiration person: Beth Janson 

Did you go to school for photography or were you self- taught?
I did study Design at college and actually disliked the photography part of the course as it was in the dark room. Most photographers will shoot me down for saying that-but I didnt like the darkroom!! I was addicted to the digital era and editing and so started my career in graphic design and website design. When it came to photography I basically taught myself everything through various online forums and photography books. 

What has been some of the hardest things to overcome in your business?
Knowing when to say no.

Do you have any tips for photographers just starting out?
Dont worry about fancy props and complicated poses. Start off very simple and get the basics of exposure, light and metering in place and prove you can nail it constantly every time. 

If for some reason you couldn’t be a photographer what do you think you would be?
An artist. I love to paint, draw, sew, create! Creativity runs in my blood…I can’t solve a math problem without a calculator, I am definitely a right-brain type of person!

What are your thoughts on lighting.
I believe lighting can really make or break a photo. You could have a beautiful setup or scene but bad lighting will ruin it. I am in love with light and how to manipulate it to the way I want it to look, it definitely plays a huge part in my final photograph.