6 Tips For Naming Your Photography Business

How to Come Up with the Perfect Name for Your Photography Business


Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, naming your photography business is an important task. After all, this is the name that will represent you and your work to the world. So how do you come up with the perfect name? Here are six tips to help get you started!


  1. Brainstorm with friends and family. This is a great way to get some initial ideas down on paper. Plus, it’s always helpful to have a sounding board to help you narrow things down.
  2. Think about what you want your name to represent. What are the values that you want your business to stand for? This can be a helpful starting point in coming up with something that feels true to you.
  3. Keep it simple. A name that is easy to pronounce and spell will be more memorable than one that is complicated or hard to understand. Sometimes photographers use their children’s names in their photography business name. This can be confusing to the client.
  4. Avoid using common photography terms. While this might seem like an obvious tip, it’s worth mentioning since so many photographers make this mistake! Stick to words that are more unique and representative of you and your work.
  5. Check the domain! Before you settle on a name make sure the domain name is available.
  6. Check for trademarks. Before settling on a name, be sure to do a trademark search to make sure it’s available. This can save you a lot of trouble down the road if someone else happens to own the rights to that name.


Coming up with the perfect name for your photography business can seem like a daunting task, but these six tips should help get you started!


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