What options do I have for flash with my 5D Mark II?

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Question from Devi: “I just upgraded from a t2i to a 5D mii and am wrestling over what to do with flash. I really don’t want to have stands/umbrellas/slave flash… but do I have other options?”

Jamie: On board flash can’t hold a candle to those others.

Valerie: Definitely invest in a strobe or two, or at least a stand, umbrella, trigger combo…

Stacy: Any flash or light OFF camera is SOOOOOO much better!!!!! I promise!!!!

Shawn: I have a question about blurry background I understand everything except the distance from subject to the lens and the distance of the background from the subject.

Crystal:  I upgraded from a t2i to a 5dmarkii earlier this year. I invested in a 600 ex-rt speedlight to go with it. Sometimes I use it on-board and bounce it, other times I mount it on a stand and put a modifier with it. On location the only other way would be shooting natural light with reflectors. In the studio I use the big boys and triggers.

Sue: Most good cameras have a built in flash or a slot on the top for a flash

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