Which AF settings should I use for portrait shots?

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Question from Sherrie: “When I do portraits I always wonder if I am using the correct AF setting my choices are Wide, Zone, Spot or local? I also question which metering mode to use. Multi segment, Center weighted or Spot. I use a Sony a77. I have to family photo sessions coming up this weekend and I’d sure like to figure this out before then. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.”

Cara: Depends on the lighting conditions and if you are shooting in manual mode vs one of the auto modes…

Sadie: Sherrie, fyi, there is a great Sony Alpha group here on Facebook that are great with tips for using specific Sony Alpha cameras. I usually have my AF setting to spot and I move it around as needed…depending on the areas. I have my metering mode to Center Weighted. It depends a lot on what you’re going for; though…I would say you should do some research on all those so you know how to get different looks if you want them.

Colleen:  I use spot if it’s tricky lighting and need to exposure for skin only….but matrix (multi) most of the time….for the exposure….but I use individual focus points and point to the eye closest to the camera… Hope this helps…

Cheryl:  I use evaluative and its always been good on my 7d….hmm I also use spot and focus on eyes unless I’m after something else like a flower or leaves to blur the people….but that’s rare….

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