What program can I use to put a watermark on my photos?

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Question from Tony: “I love photography, and take my camera everywhere I go, in the hope to capture the unexpected. however, I am afraid of people stealing my photos. Does anyone know of a programme I can download, where I can put a watermark on my photos to protect them?”

Melissa:  Photoshop

Kat:  I use Gimp and had a friend design a logo for me to lay on my images.

Denise:  I use Photoshop

Sara: If you don’t have a logo, you can also just type your name on the photos….yes, though I use Photoshop aswell. If you don’t have any program, or the funds to purchase a program, use Picmonkey…edits aren’t great through that, but it will allow you to type words on there to “watermark” your photos. Typing my name on my photos was the way I did it when I first started. Good luck!

Anie: TSR watermark Images Google it it`s a free program and you can make it colors and different fonts

Sherrie: Lightroom

Ronald:  I use PhotoScape. Easy and quick. There you can also reduce your pictures size.

Elisha: You can buy premade logos on Etsy just search premade photography logos (www.etsy.com) and take a look. You can get them as cheap as $10 all the way up to as much as you want to spend, they’ll customize colors and the name to fit what you want.

Kathrin:  You should invest in photoshop if you don’t have it yet,… I made my own action to watermark my pics – its simple you can learn this even with no knowledge of photoshop ! I did.. And yes resize your pics to a small size that also could help from stealing if you do artistic pics or landscapes etc people won’t be able to print them large then

Tara:  I bought a logo off etsy- really lovely and looks very professional. I use Photoshop Elements 10 (ie. photoshop light!) and a free action from Paint the Moon to apply my logo (and resize for fb as fb tends to smoosh photos). I’m a photog, not a graphic designer, so that works best for me. :0)

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