Photographer Vendor of the Week: Leslie Vega Design

LeslieVega2 About Leslie Vega Design: Leslie Vega Design has been in business since 2008 and offers brand design services to photographers, wedding vendors, and creative professionals worldwide. From logos to stationery and web design, every design is carefully crafted to present a breathtaking brand that speaks directly to your market.

Coming from a background in wedding planning and wedding stationery design, my love for brand design sparked when the same work I was doing for brides translated into the needs of the vendor. When wedding monogram designs turned into photographer logos, and invitations turned into vendor business cards and stationary, I was hooked! Leslie Vega Design flourished from there as a full service brand design studio, and I’ve been designing brands for photographers and wedding vendors across the world ever since. Nothing is more rewarding to me than to see someone’s brand take flight and hear reports back from clients of how their brand feels like the perfect fit for the customers they desire to attract. Ashley+McCormick+Photography+Welcome+Packet

Exclusive Deal: Leslie Vega Design is offering 30% OFF of any of her 3 Brand Packages to all of our readers! All you have to do is mention this post and contact her before May 30. You can find her packages here!
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GoldenberryPaper_Branding_LeslieVegaDesign2 Sabra+Creative+Photography+Branding
Find Leslie Vega Design on the Web: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest